What a wonderful box of thoughts and ideas. By Andy Matuschak.
Primer is the GitHub design system. The Primer team also has a Design section in the GitHub blog where they e.g. discuss how to approach AI in their product design and the underlying principles.
Maggie Appleton explains underlying design patterns and elements like Ambient Co-presence.
I never thought that something like TypeScript Go would ever see the light of day. But being a Go native since around 1.0 (that's around 2011), I'm not surprised. I'm not religious about programming languages, but Go, to me, hits a sweet spot, and is nice for writing something like this. Of course, people have difference perspectives.
From the team that brought you Gatsby: Mastra AI. Looking forward to try that out.
David Crawshaw basically describes how I work with LLMs as a developer these days.
Detect the actual bundle size of your frontend application with bundlejs.
November 2024
PostgreSQL's documentation is huge, but huge can sometimes be overwhelming.
It's roughly 3200 PDF pages for version 17. Overall, it's become my go-to
database over the years, if you want something relational that may
eventually grow over time. Here's a few things I learned today:
What I Wish Someone
Told Me About Postgres.
Also, there's a nice Don't Do
page on the PostgreSQL Wiki.
Still not sure if Kubernetes is heaven sent. Sure, you can do
But on the other hand, with all good technology, it raises the level of abstraction
and I'm skeptic if this is good, especially for those not running Google-scale
infrastructure. And I didn't even mention lock-in or its effect on IT administration
as a whole. And no: Choosing Kubernetes from three Cloud providers doesn't mean there's
no lock-in.
“When within a smaller and well-functioning functioning team, the totems of Agile often fly out of
the window and what you’re left with (when it’s good) is a team that trusts each other, is open
about its trials, and has a clear structure (formal or informal) in which agreement and solutions
can be found and co-operation is productive.“ My
20-Year Experience of Software Development Methodologies.
Friedrich Nietzsche 1882 über das Arbeiten:
“Die atemlose Hast der Arbeit – das eigentliche Laster der neuen Welt – beginnt bereits
durch Ansteckung das alte Europa wild zu machen und eine ganz wunderliche Geistlosigkeit
darüber zu breiten. Man schämt sich jetzt schon der Ruhe; das lange Nachsinnen macht
beinahe Gewissensbisse. Man denkt mit der Uhr in der Hand, wie man zu Mittag isst, das
Auge auf das Börsenblatt gerichtet, – man lebt, wie einer, der fortwährend etwas
‚versäumen könnte‘. Die Arbeit bekommt immer mehr alles gute Gewissen auf ihre Seite:
der Hang zur Freude nennt sich bereits ‚Bedürfnis der Erholung‘ und fängt an, sich vor
sich selber zu schämen.”
Gitless is an effort to improve the Git UI/workflow.
Neural Redis:
“Machine learning is like highschool sex. Everyone says they do it,
nobody really does, and no one knows what it actually is.”
Mike Townsend
On Software developers and our (problematic) view of the
Thank you Maciej. Again.
Alexa Meade, an interesting mixture of painting and
August 2016
“We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and
technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about
science and technology.” - Carl Sagan
BitBar puts the output of any program into your OS X
menu bar.
The Website Obesity Crisis
in which Maciej introduces the Taft Test:
“Does your page design improve when you replace every image with William Howard Taft?”
By the way, this website is 156kB in total as I write this. That's 120kB of text and
links, 1kB of CSS, and two images of 12kB and 22kb respectively. Sorry for the latter.
“As long as the manager's prestige and power are tied to the size of his budget, he will be
motivated to expand his organization. This is an inappropriate motive in the management of a system
design activity. Once the organization exists, of course, it will be used. Probably the greatest
single common factor behind many poorly designed systems now in existence has been the availability
of a design organization in need of work.”—Melvin
E. Conway in “How Do Committees
Invent?”. Yes,
the Conway of Conway's Law.
The Internet is dying.
All the curiosity described in The
Hacker Manifesto,
nearly 30 years ago, is slowly being strangled by regulation, corrupted by politics and replaced by
echo chambers masquerading
as social networks.
“The greatest people are self-managing. They don't need to be managed.
Once they know what to do, they'll figure out how to do it.
They don't need to be managed at all.
What they need is a common vision. And that's what leadership is.
You need to articulate that, and get a consensus on a common vision.
We wanted people that were insanely great at what they did.
But not necessarily those seasoned professionals.
Who had, on the tips of their fingers and in their passion, the latest
understanding of where technology was and what we could do with that
The neatest thing that happens is that when you build a core group
of, say 10 great people, it becomes self-policing as to who they
let into their group.”—Steve Jobs
I didn't know there was a name for this. “Conversational
narcissism is a term used by sociologist Charles Derber in his book, The Pursuit of
Attention: Power and Ego in Everyday Life. Derber observed that the social support system in America
is relatively weak, and this leads people to compete mightily for attention. In social situations,
they tend to steer the conversation away from others and toward themselves. "Conversational
narcissism is the key manifestation of the dominant attention-getting psychology in America,"
he wrote. "It occurs in informal conversations among friends, family and coworkers. The
profusion of popular literature about listening and the etiquette of managing those who talk
constantly about themselves suggests its pervasiveness in everyday life."“
Learning. A nice collection of web sites that foster learning and creativity.
Go 1.5 is out. Go makes me happy as a programmer.
It's rock solid and down-to-earth and that's really something you don't get too often in
the hype-driven and almost hysteric tech industry.
“Spending money you don't have for things you don't need to impress people you don't
like.”—Walter Slezak
“Lorem Ipsum has had a good run. Let’s replace it with data.”—Pure
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance,
it is the illusion of knowledge”—widely attributed to
Stephen Hawking,
but likely from historian
Daniel J. Boorstin.
“Designers! I am a San Francisco computer programmer, but I come in peace!”—Maciej at its best
“I’m not young enough to know everything.”—Oscar Wilde
“Unsichtbar wird die Dummheit, wenn sie genügend große Ausmaße angenommen hat.”—Bertolt Brecht
Aus dem Vortrag Schwarmdummheit von Gunter Dueck bei der re:publica
Minimalistic animation library in JavaScript
I don't understand why they are
pushing hard
on JavaScript
and invent new programming languages
to expire JS when all it takes is to agree on a browser bytecode.
Yes, asm.js paved the way, while
NaCl is trying to boil the ocean.
I'm pretty sure the area that used to be JavaScript would flourish.
Sometimes, at least once a year, you have to say Thank You! for a
project that you use virtually everywhere, without even noticing.
Thank you for Unicode and the CLDR.
Obligatory link.
Sonic Pi audible computing. Get your kids
to love music and programming. Wonderful project!
More links:
Video with Sam Aaron, the author of Sonic
Overtone, an Open Source toolkit for designing
synthesizers and collaborating with music;
Freesound, a collaborative database of Creative Commons Licensed
“The imagination of nature is far, far greater than the imagination of man.“—Richard Feynman
SASS Guidelines: A styleguide for writing sane, maintainable
and scalable SASS code.
ECharts: Another chart library, this
time from China.
lunr.js: Simple, full-text search in your browser.
“I'm more surprised that the Go 1.4 compiler is written in C.
Writing a compiler in C sounds very unpleasant compared to a
language like OCaml. Does anyone know why they made this choice
for the initial design?“
“Ken Thompson wrote it.
He's pretty good at C.“
A time-series charting library on top of d3
from the guys at Mozilla.
Poe's Law: “Without a blatant display
of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of extremism or fundamentalism that someone won't
mistake for the real thing.“
If you get “Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please re-run as root via
after updating to the latest Xcode/Command Line Utilities, run sudo xcrun cc and agree
to the
license agreement (or run Xcode.app and agree there).
Lots of good ideas in Fieldbook.
I would love to see this kind of app to become the
"database of the non-techie".
Did you know that you can trim
jQuery quite
I recently got (re-)interested into Usability Experience, psychology,
interaction design etc. There is so much interesting stuff in there,
and it's not only theory. E.g. the people at ZURB
have a section on Design Triggers that
shows hands-on what you could do to trigger an effect at your user's.
The fact that more than 90% of all web sites (including mine)
ignore these things tells a lot about the state of our industry.
If you're interested, The Hipper Element
is a very good resource and has a very good
crash course
on UX and user psychology.
FreeCiv, in the browser. Didn't know they got that?!
Why do I like Go? Rock solid language,
taste and style meets decades of experience,
good design decisions,
a wonderful library,
high quality third party libraries,
and a helpful and competent community.
Some AngularJS
tips, e.g. how to remember scrolling position when switching between views. Twoother
articles are interesting as well, if you're into AngularJS
and Golang.
According to the report “How Hitmen
Operate”, the average asking price to kill somebody was £15,180 for British hitmen.
“We are offering to buy a new computer with a modern browser for any of our customers who are stuck
with IE7. We determined that it would cost us more to support a browser from 2006 in 2014 and beyond
than it would to help our clients upgrade their legacy hardware.” (source)
Embedding resources in your Go binary with go-bindata.
GoConvey is a good-looking
testing suite for Go. Also: I really appreciate the cover tool
that comes with Go 1.2.
It's in the go.tools
Install via go get code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/cover, then see
help with go tool cover -help.
Dave has some
how to use it in your own projects.
Will definitely try out CSS autoprefixer
in combination with csso.
An advanced PostgreSQL client
for Go. Currently not a database/sql compatible driver, but
has lots of interesting stuff in it, e.g. support for notifications,
hstore, and client-side timeouts.
Organics is an interesting
approach for seamless communication between JavaScript and Go.
There also is gowss.
People can build their own WebSocket-based application framework
with Gorilla WebSockets.
Wouldn't call this
dribbblisation of design,
but I also see this problem. Either people specify themselves to
death, or they just stumble into a project. A bit of a plan,
just enough concept, flexibility in mind, then slowly push forward.
At least that's what I try.
Reinvigorate: Real-time
web analytics and heat maps.
If you're on Darwin, have many TCP connections, and
you're getting errors such as
can't assign requested address,
try lowering the maximum segment lifetime (msl)
from the default 15 seconds to e.g.
1 second: sudo sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.msl=1000.
Also see sysctl
FuzzDB: An attack and
discovery pattern database for application fuzz testing
Brick: UI Components for
Modern Web Apps. Web Components is supposed to be the future
of developing HTML applications and web sites. This goes into
the same direction with e.g. Dart.
Why put the paper into the printer when you could
stack it below.
Getty Museum's Open Content project makes
pieces of art
freely available to view and download.
“Every day, they are learning how brilliant Snowden was,” said a former U.S. official
with knowledge of the case. “This is why you don’t hire brilliant people for jobs like this. You
hire smart people. Brilliant people get you in trouble.” (Article)
Bootstrap released
Also: The repository has moved.
It's used all over the place. But there are viable alternatives.
If you just want a trimmed down version, you might use
Skeleton or
Of course, there Zurb Foundation.
I also like purecss, especially its style.
CoreOS: A slimmed down Kernel plus some
services. Just enough to run containers, like
A Ruby library for reading and writing PSD files.
The Future of Programming by
Bret Victor.
A humorous kind of presentation, a history lesson.
It's really kind of sad how far we could have gone and how far
we actually are.
Another nice Go project: dendrite.io (Repository), for scraping log files and
re-emit them in a unified stream.
GoCircuit: An interesting Go-like
approach for distributing work among servers. Go really is a
great language, and makes things like these straightforward.
The repository is on GitHub.
I'm a compiler.
I just scanned thousands of lines of code while you were reading this sentence. I browsed through
millions of possibilities of optimizing a single line of yours using hundreds of different
optimization techniques based on a vast amount of academic research that you would spend years
getting at. I won't feel any embarrassment, not even a slight ick, when I convert a three-line
loop to thousands of instructions just to make it faster. I have no shame to go to great lengths of
optimization or to do the dirtiest tricks. And if you don't want me to, maybe for a day or two,
I'll behave and do it the way you like. I can transform the methods I'm using whenever you
want, without even changing a single line of your code. I can even show you how your code would look
in assembly, on different processor architectures and different operating systems and in different
assembly conventions if you'd like. Yes, all in seconds. Because, you know, I can; and you know,
you can't.
P.S. Oh, by the way you weren't using half of the code you wrote. I did you a favor and threw it
Most tools I tried for speeding up Rails tests and rake tasks failed for me.
Yes, I'm looking at Spork and Zeus.
(okay, Commands is a bit different).
Maybe Spring will work out fine. I'll give
it a try in the next Rails project.
Holepicker looks good for checking
security issues with your Gemfile or Rails project.
Here's some more
The trace route to Star Wars: traceroute (and a how-to).
Notice that you can even watch Episode IV in the terminal:
telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl.
Read 1 MB sequentially from disk : 462 days, 23:06:40
Disk seek : 231 days, 11:33:20
Read 1 MB sequentially from SSD : 23 days, 3:33:20
Round trip within same datacenter : 11 days, 13:46:40
Read 1 MB sequentially from memory : 5 days, 18:53:20
December 2012
“Aaron is dead.
Wanderers in this crazy world, we have lost a mentor, a wise elder.
Hackers for right, we are one down, we have lost one of our own.
Nurtures, careers, listeners, feeders, parents all, we have lost a child.
Let us all weep.“ timbl
For IBM:
“I give permission for IBM, its customers, partners, and minions,
to use JSLint for evil.“
Tip for Go repository layout problems:
“If you want to work on github.com projects locally, the easiest thing
to do is work on $GOPATH/src/github.com/{user}/{project}.
This will allow your local changes to apply and still work with
go get able URL's.“
Joel on MBAs:
“Watching non-programmers trying to run software companies is
like watching someone who doesn't know how to surf trying to surf.
"It's ok! I have great advisors standing on the shore telling me what to do!"
they say, and then fall off the board, again and again.
The standard cry of the MBA who believes that management is a generic function.
Is Ballmer going to be another John Sculley, who nearly drove Apple into
extinction because the board of directors thought that selling Pepsi
was good preparation for running a computer company? The cult of the MBA
likes to believe that you can run organizations that do things that
you don't understand.“
Stripe not only has one of the
best API docs ever, but also releases stuff in the
Open Source, e.g. Einhorn,
a shared socket manager in the realms of FastCGI, Unicorn, and Rainbows.
WebDev for Go;
proxies requests, recompiles, and restarts real server if required.
Ember seems to get going slowly. I personally like it better
than Backbone, but it's just a matter of taste I guess.
Together with their approach to routing
(here's the gist of it and an
article by Tom Dale)
and data,
it looks more promising day by day. Wonder if it's going to
be a part of Rails 4.0.
Opa: Although it's funny name (for Germans), its
a fresh and interesting approach to web development: One language for
client and server; data stores are a first-class citizen, not an
afterthought (although currently only Mongo and Couch).
Node.js and Express is
now rather standard. To me it seems, people use this more and more.
Also, see Ringojs.
Gorilla is a nice, low-level support
framework for web applications. I like the approach of not adding another
layer on top of the OS/language, but rather add features that make it
easier but don't hide the OS/language.
Vert.x: JVM-based, polyglot, async web development
framework. Write your apps in a JVM language (Java, Scala, JRuby, Groovy,
JavaScript, Clojure, you name it).
March 2012
“A High Frequency Trader's Apology“ (Part 1, Part 2)
Open Smart Argentina on Twitter and keep scrolling
down (i.e. press 'j')
“People join good projects and leave bad management.“ - Michael Feiner
I'm very pleased to finally see a lot of innovation in programming languages:
Go is v1,
Mozilla comes out with Rust,
Julia is an excellent alternative to R (and all those expensive commercial packages),
Dart maybe gets a foot into the door,
Node and the excellent V8
Engine of course,
people talk and write about Clojure,
Scala and Typesafe with
its excellent Play 2.0 web framework.
I think it is very important and healthy to have alternatives.
And maybe, just maybe, languages are starting to be not so much based on the programming spec but
on the lower-level VMs like JVM, LLVM and such.
Bootbox looks like a good addition to fast
Bootstrap-based mockups.
Scale-invariant feature
transform or SIFT:
Algorithm to extract features from images. Pretty sure Google and Facebook
use these kinds of algorithms for their data (e.g. reverse image search).
Maybe even Switchcam used these techniques.
Amber.js by Jehuda Katz et. al.:
An alternative to
Sammy.js etc.
Wonder when Microsoft will put up their JavaScript framework.
Mad scientist of the month:
“At age 10, he built his first bomb out of a pill bottle and household chemicals.
At 11, he started mining for uranium and buying vials of plutonium on the Internet.
At 14, he became the youngest person in the world to build a nuclear fusion reactor.”
I don't like bashing open-source projects like rvm
because you don't like specifics about it. It works, and if you can do better, just do it.
But that doesn't mean to bash the other
I generally agree with Steve.
a book by Harry Frankfurt, an American
From the Amazon
“Bullshitting, as he notes, is not exactly lying, and bullshit remains bullshit whether it’s
true or false.
The difference lies in the bullshitter’s complete disregard for whether what he’s saying
corresponds to facts in the physical world: he
does not reject the authority of the truth, as the liar does, and oppose himself to it. He pays
no attention to it at all. By virtue of this, bullshit is a greater enemy of the truth than lies
Gartner Bullshit again:
“Do you want to hear about trends that are changing the IT landscape?“
Dear CIO/senior IT executive/IT leader: If you really want to hear about trends, go and ask your
They most probably know all that's happening there, minus the buzz, but at significantly lower
“Now is the time to re-imagine IT as it impacts business expectations and new technology models.“
What a sticky theme... can be reused in 2015, 2023, and 2037. No, thank you.
But enjoy your drinks in sunny Barcelona.
Scala accepts UTF-8 encoded syntax, think
for (x ← 1 to 100) { ...} instead of for (x <- 1 to 100) { ... }
(notice the left arrow).
Same with ⩵, ≫, ≪, ⋙, ≥, ≤, and ∷.
(Further info here).
We'll see if BrowserID
from Mozilla finally gets us where
OpenID didn't get us until now.
Update: https://github.com/mozilla/browserid
There's definitely room for improvement here, especially in the B2B area.
“Dynamic is technical jargon used by programmers, meaning good. It derives from
the Latin dyno mite, meaning I am extremely pleased, …“
in a comment on Lambda the
I guess every expert in any field will confirm this
method of learning:
a) Conceptualize, i.e. try to understand the concept instead of memoizing details, and
b) learn facts through association.
“We live in a Karaoke culture“, says Malcolm McLaren, ex-Sex Pistols manager speaking
about our world of instant success and stupidity contrasting it to authenticity, creativity and
the need to learn from failure (on
Nate Harrison's 2004 video
is a meditation on the ownership of culture, the nature of art and creativity, and the history of a
remarkable music clip.
If you still think the DOM is cross-browser, think again.
(aaah... yes, the article is 3+ years old; but not much has changed nevertheless.)
Spark is a cluster computing project in Scala, similar
type to Hadoop and DryadLINQ
Foursquare member describes Lift, the Scala-based web framework:
Wonderful documentation with Docco, Rocco, and
Nocco. And Locco, and Shocco, and Pycco etc. You get
Think you've mastered the art of server performance? Think again.
An article by Poul-Henning Kamp,
long-time lead dev of FreeBSD
and author of Varnish.
If you need to submit large binary data, use plain old HTTP upload.
There is a 12+ year old Internet Draft for entity headers for linked
and people still find new ways of refering to external documents in REST style. But hey,
there's probably a reason
why it's still a draft after all these years.
If you need locale-specific content, use the Accept-Language
REST style:
If you need locale-specific content, use the Accept-Language
If you need to submit large binary data, use plain old HTTP upload.
There is a 12+ year old Internet Draft for entity headers for linked
and people still find new ways of refering to external documents in REST style. But hey,
there's probably a reason
why it's still a draft after all these years.
Did you know about that cookie
that the EU imposes on the web? No, not a joke. Next year they'll probably forbid to put tires
on automobiles (to increase
How to emulate that slide-to-unlock behavior of
the iPhone in CSS.
“Wer eine Personal Firewall verwendet, könnte auch eine Einkaufstüte als Kondom benutzen:
Den Sicherheits- und Lustgewinn beider Methoden halten wir für vergleichbar. ;-)“
T-Online-Team in t-online.talk.internet
Bullshit bingo from Gartner:
“New lighter-weight technologies—such as cloud computing, software as a service (SaaS), social
IT models enable the CIO to redefine IT, giving it a greater focus on growth and strategic impact.“
“We train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won’t allow them to write
fuck on their airplanes because it’s obscene!“
—Apocalypse Now (1979)
xkcd always puts up questions I've also thought about, like this
On the Mac App Store: What do you think a company will do when they
a) can grab 30% of the revenues, b) can get up-to-date information about which
software is installed on each and every users' computer (is this really all they
do when scanning the system?), and c) can control which software users can install?
I wonder when Microsoft will open their Software Store.
This is heading in the wrong direction. It's the exact opposite of freedom.
“Eine Studie mit Beschäftigten in der IT- und Medienbranche ergab, dass die Befragten weder lange
Arbeitszeiten noch ständige Erreichbarkeit oder das parallele Arbeiten an mehreren Projekten
als überfordernd sahen. Vielmehr monierten sie schlechte Organisation und Arbeitsbedingungen,
am Ende zermürbend sein können. Wenn dauerhaft eine Lücke zwischen eigenem Anspruch und
klafft, kommt die Erschöpfung. Die Begeisterung ist weg, selbst ein hohes Gehalt kann dies nicht
Spiegel Online
Moving to the US? Here's an interesting visualisation about making a rent vs. buy decision
Daniel Ellsberg on WikiLeaks:
“EVERY attack now made on WikiLeaks and Julian Assange was made against me and the release
of the Pentagon Papers at the time.“
A decentralized Torrent client: Tribler.
Decentralization and P2P might be an appropriate direction to go for sites like WikiLeaks.
Es gibt auch deutsche Provider, die das mit dem vorauseilenden Gehorsam nicht so ernst nehmen:
zum Beispiel.
Bei Hetzner
sieht das anders aus.
Die Rechtslage kommentiert RA Dr. Carsten Ulricht in diesem
“I can use Visa and Mastercard to pay for porn and support anti-abortion fanatics,
Prop 8 homophobic bigots, and the Ku Klux Klan. But I can’t use them or PayPal to support Wikileaks,
transparency, the First Amendment, and true government reform.“
Reusable, asynchronous file uploads using WebSockets in HTML5 compliant browsers: waterunderice
I wonder how long it takes before Oracle will sue Apache now
that they decided to resign from
the JCP
Executive Committee.
A Java fork seems
Oracle playing games around MySQL, Dalvik, and now Java's JCP.
I don't think that'll serve them well.
Wonder where all the Maths you learned once are applied in
the real-world? Here's
a list.
Great writeup on how to safely store a
“It’s important to note that salts are useless for preventing dictionary attacks or brute force
You can use huge salts or many salts or hand-harvested, shade-grown, organic Himalayan pink salt.“
Ad that burns the BMW logo into the viewers' eyes: Spot
“Allershausen—Das dürfte den Hells Angels auch noch nicht passiert sein:
Ein 26-Jähriger fuhr auf das Gelände des Motorradclubs bei Allershausen, ließ seine Shorts runter
warf einen Hundewelpen nach den Männern. Dann flüchtete der Student mit einem
geklauten Radlader.“
The “Balls of Steel Award“ beim 27c3 geht an:
Den Minarett-Hack
OMG: “Accelerating enterprise transformation with architecture-driven modernization“ (view).
Why don't these guys do something useful? Like: Eating stamps or something.
Kasparov on
chess and humans vs. computers:
“Perhaps a real version of HAL 9000 would simply announce move 1.e4, with checkmate in, say, 38,484
The meta_search gem is interesting,
but a bit too meta for my eyes.
I like WakeMates'warranty:
“If you decide to take the device apart and break it in the process, we won't cover that.
It also doesn't cover acts of God, Man, or Dog; if Fido eats your WakeMate or lightning strikes
it, you'll
need to order a new one. Actually, if lightning strikes it, we'll totally replace it --
that'd be nuts!“
Who says that PageRank is finding the best sites?
It's just finding the ones with the most inbound links, simply spoken.
Turns out, things can go
with this sort of calculation.
Whenever you think you know some stuff... along comes a surprise.
I never heard of protocol-relative
Did you know that this link uses the current scheme (i.e. http or https respectively)?
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> Edit:
Seems to have some
issues with—you guessed it—IE.
Die Ausgaben für Verteidigung sind mit 31,1 Mrd. € die drittgrößte Position im Bundeshaushalt.
Sie sind etwa 3x so hoch wie die Ausgaben für Bildung und Forschung (ca. 10,9 Mrd. €) und knapp
doppelt so hoch wie die Ausgaben für Gesundheit (ca. 16,1 Mrd. €).
Wenn also demnächst mal einer fragt, wo man sparen kann...
Quelle: Bundesfinanzministerium,
Bundeshaushaltsplan 2010
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.“
—Soren Kierkegaard
Alain de Botton on Distraction:
“One of the more embarrassing and self-indulgent challenges of our time is
the task of relearning how to concentrate. The past decade has seen an unparalleled assault
on our capacity to fix our minds steadily on anything.
To sit still and think, without succumbing to an anxious reach for a machine,
has become almost impossible.“
Doing some spikes with CSS3 transitions. Nice. Safari with hardware acceleration
is top of the line. Hope HW-accel will be added to Chrome soon.
Update: It will
(and even has--trying).
“Enrolling your daughter in Gymnastics: 1% chance she'll be an athlete.
100% chance she'll be the drunk girl doing backflips in a bikini.“
All this magic just for checking NULLs:
Null checks and the
Maybe monad.
If the syntax is too noisy, maybe the programming language is not right.
On IE6: Lot of webdevs complain about IE6 being a pain in the ...
But maybe people took the web more serious in early 2000 than you
might think. Maybe they wanted to create business applications
with HTML/JS etc. as a platform. Maybe they are not able to change
their architecture every two years or so.
You want IE6 to go away? So you're putting pressure on those guys
who started to use HTML etc. in the business world. Guess what they're
doing: Start anew on HTML5? Or go and write another Windows Forms app?
Beim Sex stoppte ich und bewegte mich nicht mehr.
Sie: “Was machst du?“
Ich: “Das habe ich bei Youporn gesehen, nennt sich Buffering.“
(via @ferkl)](http://twitter.com/ferkl/status/24364607324)
Today is Programmers' Day.
According to Wikipedia, this is an official holidy in Russia, celebrated on
the 0x100th day of each year. This must be fake.
Why does Twitter need all this OAuth bullshit
for its API when HTTP Digest/Basic works fine, is standardized, and reasonably secure (over https)?
What is this centuries' equivalent to Led
10 minutes of Rock music seems so old-fashioned these days?
But who am I to argue when Madonna is filed under Rock in iTunes.
Rethinking the
Mobile Web
is not only right to the point but illustrates how presentations should be:
Engage, tell a story, images, use simple wording, no bullet points whatsoever.
“The future is already here—it's just not evenly distributed.“
—William Gibson
It's the small things that count... Some Chrome tips here.
Since when has Google an integrated site search? Go search for
and watch the first result. It contains a text input field
along with a Search urbandictionary.com button.
Gave IE9 beta a test drive.
Best IE ever. Seriously. Won't switch nonetheless.
Wonder if this will help turning IE6 down since Vista is required at least.
JavaScript is the least understood and most bashed programming language
in history. This attitute is often expressed by people who think that JavaScript
is some sort of Java. Or people thinking OOP is how real programmers code.
Been using EF
today for a small sample. Looks alright—for building samples at least.
Huge and great non-profit education site:
Khan Academy
April 2010
I've been trying to find out what the future will
hold when it comes to webdev and frameworks. I'd
not be surprised to see asynchronous frameworks like
Node become mainstream. CPUs these
days so goddamn fast that they just sit there waiting for I/O.
March 2010
Every time you make a PowerPoint, Edward Tufte
kills a kitten.
Mercurial tutorial with wonderful quotes:
“The system administrator, whom everybody calls Taco, is too shy to eat
lunch with the rest of the team. On those rare occasions where he is
away from his swivel office chair, you will notice a triangular-shaped
salsa-colored stain on the seat where drippings of his many
Mexican lunches fell between his legs, insuring that nobody takes his chair,
even though it is the superior Herman Miller variety that the company
founders bought themselves, not the standard-issue Staples $99 special
that causes everyone else back pain... Anyway, yeah, there’s no backup.“