March 2025

September 2018

September 2017

May 2017

  • Friedrich Nietzsche 1882 über das Arbeiten: “Die atemlose Hast der Arbeit – das eigentliche Laster der neuen Welt – beginnt bereits durch Ansteckung das alte Europa wild zu machen und eine ganz wunderliche Geistlosigkeit darüber zu breiten. Man schämt sich jetzt schon der Ruhe; das lange Nachsinnen macht beinahe Gewissensbisse. Man denkt mit der Uhr in der Hand, wie man zu Mittag isst, das Auge auf das Börsenblatt gerichtet, – man lebt, wie einer, der fortwährend etwas ‚versäumen könnte‘. Die Arbeit bekommt immer mehr alles gute Gewissen auf ihre Seite: der Hang zur Freude nennt sich bereits ‚Bedürfnis der Erholung‘ und fängt an, sich vor sich selber zu schämen.”
  • Get started using WebAssembly, a free course on
  • An introduction to the CAN bus
  • JSON Feed 1.0.
  • Some very useful gRPC best practices by Doug Fawley. Also, some information about gRPC multi-language support.

January 2017

October 2016

August 2016

December 2015

  • Happy new year! :-)
  • BitBar puts the output of any program into your OS X menu bar.
  • The Website Obesity Crisis in which Maciej introduces the Taft Test: “Does your page design improve when you replace every image with William Howard Taft?” By the way, this website is 156kB in total as I write this. That's 120kB of text and links, 1kB of CSS, and two images of 12kB and 22kb respectively. Sorry for the latter.
  • “As long as the manager's prestige and power are tied to the size of his budget, he will be motivated to expand his organization. This is an inappropriate motive in the management of a system design activity. Once the organization exists, of course, it will be used. Probably the greatest single common factor behind many poorly designed systems now in existence has been the availability of a design organization in need of work.”—Melvin E. Conway in “How Do Committees Invent?”. Yes, the Conway of Conway's Law.
  • Command-line tools can be 235x faster than your Hadoop cluster.

October 2015

September 2015

August 2015

July 2015

June 2015

April 2015

January 2015

December 2014

November 2014

October 2014

September 2014

August 2014

June 2014

February 2014

January 2014

December 2013

November 2013

September 2013

August 2013

July 2013

June 2013

May 2013

March 2013

February 2013

January 2013

  • Read 4K randomly from SSD : 3 days, 11:20:00
  • Send 1K bytes over 1 Gbps network : 5:33:20
  • Compress 1K bytes with Zippy : 1:40:00
  • Mutex lock/unlock : 0:00:50
  • L2 cache reference : 0:00:14
  • Branch mispredict : 0:00:10
  • L1 cache reference : 0:00:01
  • Humanized version of the latency numbers every programmer should know from Jeff Dean and Peter Norvig:
    • L1 cache reference : 0:00:01
    • Branch mispredict : 0:00:10
    • L2 cache reference : 0:00:14
    • Mutex lock/unlock : 0:00:50
    • Main memory reference : 0:03:20
    • Compress 1K bytes with Zippy : 1:40:00
    • Send 1K bytes over 1 Gbps network : 5:33:20
    • Read 4K randomly from SSD : 3 days, 11:20:00
    • Read 1 MB sequentially from memory : 5 days, 18:53:20
    • Round trip within same datacenter : 11 days, 13:46:40
    • Read 1 MB sequentially from SSD : 23 days, 3:33:20
    • Disk seek : 231 days, 11:33:20
    • Read 1 MB sequentially from disk : 462 days, 23:06:40
    • Send packet CA->Netherlands->CA : 3472 days, 5:20:00
  • Regexp crossword puzzle
  • Lego 2.0. Yay!
  • For self-reference: Converting charsets in Google Go.
  • Another solution to cross-compilation with Go
  • Great tutorial on Git branching.
  • Terms of Service: tl;dr
  • Hello. I'm a compiler.
    I just scanned thousands of lines of code while you were reading this sentence. I browsed through millions of possibilities of optimizing a single line of yours using hundreds of different optimization techniques based on a vast amount of academic research that you would spend years getting at. I won't feel any embarrassment, not even a slight ick, when I convert a three-line loop to thousands of instructions just to make it faster. I have no shame to go to great lengths of optimization or to do the dirtiest tricks. And if you don't want me to, maybe for a day or two, I'll behave and do it the way you like. I can transform the methods I'm using whenever you want, without even changing a single line of your code. I can even show you how your code would look in assembly, on different processor architectures and different operating systems and in different assembly conventions if you'd like. Yes, all in seconds. Because, you know, I can; and you know, you can't.
    P.S. Oh, by the way you weren't using half of the code you wrote. I did you a favor and threw it away.“
  • Most tools I tried for speeding up Rails tests and rake tasks failed for me. Yes, I'm looking at Spork and Zeus. (okay, Commands is a bit different). Maybe Spring will work out fine. I'll give it a try in the next Rails project.
  • Holepicker looks good for checking security issues with your Gemfile or Rails project. Here's some more information.
  • Rack::Robustness looks like a good addition to Twitter's secureheaders etc.
  • Use your Rails translations on the client-side with i18n-js.
  • I like jQuery Mobile's new panels which comes with version 1.3.0.
  • LaTeX templates, Tufte style.
  • Casablanca, a C++ REST SDK from Microsoft.
  • Nice HTML input CSS3 effects
  • Bootstrap for typography: Typeplate
  • Alan Kay, one of my all time favorites. Here's some of his quotes combined into a story.
  • A few more EmberJS information from the Discource team.
  • Emmet, formerly Zen Coding, is 1.0.
  • Database code to watch out for in Rails:
  • Rails guide: Working with JavaScript in Rails. For self-reference.
  • The Silver Searcher aka ag is very fast.
  • Bombermine is a massively multiplayer game in HTML5.
  • Main memory reference : 0:03:20
  • CSS clouds in 3D
  • The trace route to Star Wars: traceroute (and a how-to). Notice that you can even watch Episode IV in the terminal: telnet
  • A nice Git workflow.
  • Sacha Greif on Skeuomorphism vs. Flat Design.
  • Yours vs. Mine: Why Dustin uses “Your profile“ instead of “My profile“ in user interfaces. I agree.
  • fatcache by Twitter: Memcache for SSDs.
  • Send packet CA->Netherlands->CA : 3472 days, 5:20:00
  • Read 1 MB sequentially from disk : 462 days, 23:06:40
  • Disk seek : 231 days, 11:33:20
  • Read 1 MB sequentially from SSD : 23 days, 3:33:20
  • Round trip within same datacenter : 11 days, 13:46:40
  • Read 1 MB sequentially from memory : 5 days, 18:53:20

December 2012

  • Aaron is dead.
    Wanderers in this crazy world, we have lost a mentor, a wise elder.
    Hackers for right, we are one down, we have lost one of our own.
    Nurtures, careers, listeners, feeders, parents all, we have lost a child.
    Let us all weep.

  • For IBM: “I give permission for IBM, its customers, partners, and minions, to use JSLint for evil.
  • Awesome article on Google Chrome Performance issues
  • How keys work, in one simple GIF
  • Actual Facebook Graph Searches
  • Quote from the Google SRE AMA: “As a general rule we like to joke that Google not only reinvents the wheel, but we vulcanize our own rubber.
  • There might be a slight chance that Oracle crushes Java?! It'd be the best they did for decades.
  • Old San Francisco

November 2012

August 2012

June 2012

May 2012

April 2012

  • Opa: Although it's funny name (for Germans), its a fresh and interesting approach to web development: One language for client and server; data stores are a first-class citizen, not an afterthought (although currently only Mongo and Couch).
  • APIs are UX for developers, probably the best summary I read about API design so far.
  • Also, for JVM, there's AWF in the Apache incubator.
  • Vibe.d, a web framework for D.
  • Node.js and Express is now rather standard. To me it seems, people use this more and more. Also, see Ringojs.
  • Gorilla is a nice, low-level support framework for web applications. I like the approach of not adding another layer on top of the OS/language, but rather add features that make it easier but don't hide the OS/language.
  • Vert.x: JVM-based, polyglot, async web development framework. Write your apps in a JVM language (Java, Scala, JRuby, Groovy, JavaScript, Clojure, you name it).

March 2012

  • “A High Frequency Trader's Apology“ (Part 1, Part 2)
  • Open Smart Argentina on Twitter and keep scrolling down (i.e. press 'j')
  • Single Sign-On can be that simple, yes
  • Demoscene—The Art of Algorithms, which also comes with link to a documentary
  • “People join good projects and leave bad management.“ - Michael Feiner
  • I'm very pleased to finally see a lot of innovation in programming languages: Go is v1, Mozilla comes out with Rust, Julia is an excellent alternative to R (and all those expensive commercial packages), Dart maybe gets a foot into the door, Node and the excellent V8 Engine of course, people talk and write about Clojure, Scala and Typesafe with its excellent Play 2.0 web framework. I think it is very important and healthy to have alternatives. And maybe, just maybe, languages are starting to be not so much based on the programming spec but on the lower-level VMs like JVM, LLVM and such.
  • Before the Lights go out
  • Excellent TED talk
  • “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.“—George Orwell
  • Down to Fax: Dating site für Internetausdrucker
  • “Men have become the tools of their tools.“—Henry David Thoreau

January 2012

November 2011

October 2011

September 2011

August 2011

July 2011

June 2011

May 2011

April 2011

March 2011

January 2011

December 2010

November 2010

October 2010

September 2010

August 2010

June 2010

April 2010

  • I've been trying to find out what the future will hold when it comes to webdev and frameworks. I'd not be surprised to see asynchronous frameworks like Node become mainstream. CPUs these days so goddamn fast that they just sit there waiting for I/O.

March 2010

  • Every time you make a PowerPoint, Edward Tufte kills a kitten.
  • Mercurial tutorial with wonderful quotes: “The system administrator, whom everybody calls Taco, is too shy to eat lunch with the rest of the team. On those rare occasions where he is away from his swivel office chair, you will notice a triangular-shaped salsa-colored stain on the seat where drippings of his many Mexican lunches fell between his legs, insuring that nobody takes his chair, even though it is the superior Herman Miller variety that the company founders bought themselves, not the standard-issue Staples $99 special that causes everyone else back pain... Anyway, yeah, there’s no backup.“

January 2010

  • Next Windows will be... uhm... different promised...
  • Daten sind keine Dinge, und deswegen kann man sie nicht stehlen?! Unsere Justizministerin. Unglaublich.